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West Hollywood's finest florists and flowers. Delivered.

20,000+ reviews

West Hollywood Flowers Delivered

Floom removes the hassle of sending a beautiful, seasonal flower arrangement or plant from an independent florist for flower delivery in West Hollywood.

Just enter your delivery zip code at the top to send flowers in West Hollywood today. We have the perfect gift for every special occasion, including birthday, anniversary, new baby, congratulations and more for flower gift delivery in West Hollywood.

Same day flower delivery is available before 1pm PDT and next day delivery before 11:59pm PDT in West Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA.

Best Selling flowers

Pink ButterfliesPink Butterflies


Pink Butterflies

By The Flowers DTLA





Mi AmorMi Amor


Mi Amor

By Orchid Republic


$98 - $161


By Ode a la ROSE- LA

White rose bouquetWhite rose bouquet


White rose bouquet

By Rosebay Florist & Candle

Good girl gone badGood girl gone bad


Good girl gone bad

By Black Orchid Flowers

Love and AffectionLove and Affection

$175from $140

Love and Affection

By Dream

Tropical Luxury LilieTropical Luxury Lilie


Tropical Luxury Lilie

By 7 Garden Florist

Misty BlueMisty Blue

$179 - $199

Misty Blue

By Designs By David

Medium BlushMedium Blush


Medium Blush

By Matriarch


Delivery Today

Welcome, Baby BoyWelcome, Baby Boy


Welcome, Baby Boy

By Matriarch


$91 - $136


By Floom Collection




By Alaric Flowers Los Angeles


$295 - $440


By Santa Clarita Florist

No.245 - Pink Roses No.245 - Pink Roses

$360 - $915

No.245 - Pink Roses


Daisy MeadowDaisy Meadow


Daisy Meadow


The Peonies BouquetThe Peonies Bouquet


The Peonies Bouquet

By 7 Garden Florist

Happy PeonyHappy Peony


Happy Peony

By Noble Garden Glendale


$115 - $165


By Ode a la ROSE- LA




By Wood and Wine

Peach PerfectPeach Perfect

$140 - $240

Peach Perfect

By La Fleurel

Betty Blush Gift boxBetty Blush Gift box


Betty Blush Gift box

By BLOMST Los Angeles

Lacy BirdLacy Bird


Lacy Bird

By Black Orchid Flowers

Purity True LovePurity True Love

$189from $151.20

Purity True Love

By Albert N Floral

Pastel color ArrangemPastel color Arrangem


Pastel color Arrangem

By Noble Garden Florist Weho


$110 - $160


By Designs By David

Desert EleganceDesert Elegance

$75 - $100

Desert Elegance

By A Bed Of Roses LA

Butterfly BoxButterfly Box


Butterfly Box

By Purple Mood Flowers

All out RedAll out Red


All out Red

By Orchid Republic

Orange CitrusOrange Citrus

$144.95 - $180

Orange Citrus

By Santa Monica Florist

Fern & Mist

Our latest Artisans

Fern & Mist

Fern and Mist Florals was born amidst a flurry of passion and determination.

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Orchid Republic

Our Latest Artisans

Orchid Republic

Inspired by her “evergreen” love for exquisite orchids (clues in the name, guys), Carmela founded OR in 2013.

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Our Latest Artisans


“Flowers speak for themselves... they alter a mood in an instant, they excite the senses and I love the element of surprise.”

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Foxgloves and Folly

Our Latest Artisans

Foxgloves and Folly

“Flowers can express love and make someone feel loved, can lift someones' spirits, can express someones' grief - no words are needed.”

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Vine Flowers

Our Latest Artisans

Vine Flowers

VINE Flowers is the lovechild of designer, Olya Harris. Finding her way to floral design through fashion and television, Olya’s work is a cinematic sensory experience.

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JNJ Floral

Our Latest Artisans

JNJ Floral

Jnj florals create fabulous for event bouquets for the special moments in your life such as birthday parties, engagements and weddings. We strive for perfection in everything we create.

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Jean Pascal Lemire

Our Latest Artisans

Jean Pascal Lemire

Los Angeles based florist Jean-Pascal has been showcasing the world's most beautiful flowers with a vision of timeless elegance.

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Why send flowers with Floom?

Always unique, never generic

Always unique, never generic

We only work with the most talented and unique artisans, and we’re passionate about supporting our skilled family of florists.

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Each of our orders is professionally arranged, wrapped and safely delivered with a hand-written card… on the exact day that you need it.

West Hollywood's finest independent florists

A popular area known for its thriving nightlife scene, West Hollywood is often colloquially referred to as WeHo. West Hollywood is one of the most prominent gay villages in the whole of the United States, with some nationally renowned bars, clubs and sex shops. The area is also somewhat of a celebrity hotspot, with extravagant houses nestled in the Hollywood Hills surrounding, and upmarket, high end restaurants and ‘places to be seen’ to match.

Send flowers in West Hollywood from Floom, we have a wide variety of only the best flowers and florists in the area, with our partnering West Hollywood florists.

Make someone's day with beautiful, fresh flowers from Floom. As your online floristry destination, we make choosing the perfect bouquet easy.

Our flower delivery service in West Hollywood gives you a huge selection of flowers online, and when you choose our same day delivery service or next day delivery service we'll take care of everything. Our skilled florists in West Hollywood will create stunning bouquets for any occasion.

Floom is proud to have partnering florists able to have flowers sent to West Hollywood for same day flower delivery. Their extensive range of stunning bouquets are sure to please any relative or loved one, no matter what their flower preference!

Surrounding areas include: Beverly Hills