Christmas Flower Delivery

Looking to surprise someone with a Christmas bouquet or decorate your home with a Christmas wreath? We also provide the option for a handwritten message with the delivery of your bouquet in our delivery cards.

Same Day Christmas Bouquet and Wreath Delivery

Christmas, the Floom way


Real pine

Super festive scented environmentally friendly pine.

Hand crafted

Made by our expert elves (aka independent artisans).
Snowflake 2

Truly unique

Bouquets with personality. There's no 'one size fits all' here!

Join our happy customers

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1 Floom Bloomsbury Flowers Christmas Wreath 1 161020 122523

Handmade Christmas Flowers & Plants

Festive flowers are amongst the first signs that Christmas is coming, and that your home needs to prepare for the arrival of family and friends. Luckily for you, Floom florists have you covered (at least on the decoration side of things, they won’t cook the turkey).

Our local florists have arranged a beautiful selection of Christmas themed bouquets and plants for you to fill someone’s home with. Christmas roses in a classic crimson red and snow white have long been staples of festive florals, and feature in many of our florists’ elegant, uniquely curated bouquets. Cities include Manhattan, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, San Francisco and among others.

Which flowers are best for Christmas?

Unsure of what flowers to send your loved ones this Christmas? Here's our list of the most popular traditional Christmas flowers:

• Mistletoe

• Poinsettia

• Green Ivy

• Cyclamen

• White Chrysanthemums

• Holly

• Amaryllis

• Christmas Roses

• Orchids

• Azalea