
About Us

Last updated: 04/02/19

Handpicked florists

We handpick every amazing florist we work with to ensure they share our values.

Unique bouquets

Every bouquet you see on our site is utterly unique to the florist who crafts it.

We’re building a community of flower lovers

Spreading floral joy is what we’re all about, in any medium! From the quirks of an individual stem or the vision of a flower-obsessed artist to our favourite bouquets of the week…

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We believe flowers at their best can truly...

...excite the senses and are proven to invigorate our sense of wellbeing.

Meet our founder

Lana spent the last few years of her ‘normal’ career producing campaigns for some of the biggest brands around, but long before that she was an Executive PA frustrated by how hard it was to find flowers online that were both convenient and beautifully arranged. That’s when the idea for Floom was first born! Lana and her team launched Floom in February 2016, and the thrill of bringing more and more amazing bouquets to more and more people burns as brightly as ever! Wherever you are in the world and whether you’re looking for Valentine’s Day flowers, Mother’s Day flowers or ‘just-because’ blooms:, we’re working to bring the joy of Floom flowers to you…