Introducing Steeped Rose by Homecourt, Exclusively on Floom this Valentine's Day

Flowers Delivered within Ohio

20,000+ reviews

Flowers Delivered to Ohio

Floom takes away the hassle of ordering flowers and makes it easy to send a stunning flower bouquet from an independent florist for flower delivery in Ohio including notable areas such as from Columbus and Toledo and other areas throughout the state.

Best Selling flowers

Steeped RoseSteeped Rose


Steeped Rose

By Floom Blooms




By Bloom & Go

I Love YouI Love You


I Love You

By Bloom & Go

Spray Roses RedSpray Roses Red


Spray Roses Red

By Bloom & Go

Spray Roses YellowSpray Roses Yellow


Spray Roses Yellow

By Bloom & Go

Old MoneyOld Money


Old Money

By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go

Secret GardenSecret Garden


Secret Garden

By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go

Blue SkyBlue Sky


Blue Sky

By Bloom & Go

Delivery Today

Steeped RoseSteeped Rose


Steeped Rose

By Floom Blooms

Spray Roses YellowSpray Roses Yellow


Spray Roses Yellow

By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go

Spray Roses Hot PinkSpray Roses Hot Pink


Spray Roses Hot Pink

By Bloom & Go

Just BecauseJust Because


Just Because

By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go

Secret GardenSecret Garden


Secret Garden

By Bloom & Go

Spray Roses Baby PinkSpray Roses Baby Pink


Spray Roses Baby Pink

By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go

Blue SkyBlue Sky


Blue Sky

By Bloom & Go

Spray Roses RedSpray Roses Red


Spray Roses Red

By Bloom & Go

Romeo & JulietRomeo & Juliet


Romeo & Juliet

By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go

Spray Roses OrangeSpray Roses Orange


Spray Roses Orange

By Bloom & Go

I Love YouI Love You


I Love You

By Bloom & Go

Hear what our happy customers have to say

Why send flowers with Floom?

Always unique, never generic

Always unique, never generic

We only work with the most talented and unique artisans, and we’re passionate about supporting our skilled family of florists.

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Each of our orders is professionally arranged, wrapped and safely delivered with a hand-written card… on the exact day that you need it.

Rose Delivery

Send Roses

Rose Delivery

Looking to send roses? Our florists have an array of traditional single stem red roses or an array of colors.

Send rose flowers
Plant delivery

Send plants

Plant delivery

Send a succulent, cactus, orchid, or even all three. It couldn't be easier to get some plant life in your life with Floom.

Send plants
Birthday flower delivery

Occasion flowers

Birthday flower delivery

Floom makes it fast, simple and painless to celebrate a birthday by sending beautiful, seasonal birthday flowers and plants from an independent florist.

Send birthday flowers

Popular Flower Questions

How can I send flowers to Ohio?

Enter your zipcode to view a selection of bouquets from local florists available within your chosen area, from Columbus to Richmond and Uniport.

What is the state flower of Ohio?

Ohio's official state flower is the red carnation which was chosen in 1904 to honor President William McKinley, an Ohioan, who was assassinated in 1901.

Where is Ohio's flower district?

There are several flower markets within Ohio with the majority residing in Columbus. Notable Flower Columbus markets include the Three Buds Flower Market situated within 43206, and Market Blooms within 43215 whilst The Flower Market can be found within Toledo 43606.

Can I get flowers delivered in Ohio on a Sunday?

We deliver flowers on Sunday, including same-day delivery. This is dependant on each individual florist however. Enter your postcode and select the Sunday you wish to deliver on to view which bouquets are available to be sent within Ohio.

How long will my flowers last?

Depending on the stem variety, your bouquet can last anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks. By following our care tips will help keep them fresh for longer.