
Mill Basin's finest florists and flowers. Delivered.

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Mill Basin's finest independent florists

Florist shop Mill Basin and flowers next day Mill Basin with Floom’s partnering local florists, who all create magical flower bouquets and plant arrangements. Send flowers same day to Mill Basin and surrounding Brooklyn neighbourhoods.

Floom’s florists in Mill Basin, New York, only ever use beautiful flowers and seasonal stems in their shop or studios when curating and creating your flower bouquet or plant arrangement. Send flowers from an independent florist in Mill Basin with Floom.

Located in the borough of Brooklyn, New York City, Mill Basin is located along Jamaica Bay. An affluent peninsular residential neighbourhood, the area was originally named Mill Island, and was first inhabited during the 17th century - with a mill being built on the island. The modern inception of Mill Basin is home to some of the most expensive houses in New York City, as well as the Kings Plaza shopping mall.

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