Introducing Steeped Rose by Homecourt, Exclusively on Floom this Valentine's Day

East Boston's finest florists and flowers. Delivered.

20,000+ reviews

Flower delivery to East Boston, delivering same day from the finest florists

East Boston is one of the city’s most vibrant, diverse neighbourhoods, comprising a range of landscapes from waterside to suburban to full-blown cityscape.

Faneuil Hall Marketplace is one of the city’s top institutions, a shopping centre filled with stores and restaurants set throughout historic market buildings. Best known for the variety of excellent fare on offer, locals flock here for classics like lobster rolls, clam chowder and top-notch hamburgers.

The Museum of Fine Arts is the most frequently visited museum in Boston and the fifth-largest in the United States. Boasting over 450,000 works of art, this is one of the most impressive collections in the country and locals are extremely proud of MOFA (as it’s locally known). The stand-out work at this Boston institution is perhaps Claude Monet’s Water Lily Pond, a dazzling impressionist oil painting by the French master. The Museum is also home to Vincent Van Gogh’s famous Portrait of the Postman Joseph Roulin, recently immortalised in an acclaimed animated film.

Throughout the area, from Eagle Hill to Jeffries Point, Floom’s East Boston flower delivery covers the whole community as well as Cambridge and Brookline.

Best Selling flowers

Simply WhiteSimply White


Simply White

By Bloom Couture Studio

Steeped RoseSteeped Rose


Steeped Rose

By Floom Blooms

3 Dozen Mixed Tulip3 Dozen Mixed Tulip


3 Dozen Mixed Tulip

By Sunny Florists

Sunny ValleySunny Valley


Sunny Valley

By Bloom Couture Studio

Red Rose BouquetRed Rose Bouquet

$58 - $155

Red Rose Bouquet

By Sunny Florists

Simple PastelSimple Pastel


Simple Pastel

By Bloom Couture Studio




By Sunny Florists

Sweet PastelSweet Pastel


Sweet Pastel

By Bloom Couture Studio

Cube FunCube Fun


Cube Fun

By Sunny Florists

Secret GardenSecret Garden


Secret Garden

By Bloom Couture Studio

Delivery Today




By Sunny Florists

Steeped RoseSteeped Rose


Steeped Rose

By Floom Blooms

Secret GardenSecret Garden


Secret Garden

By Bloom Couture Studio

Dozen White RoseDozen White Rose

$105 - $302

Dozen White Rose

By Sunny Florists

Summer FieldSummer Field


Summer Field

By Bloom Couture Studio

Warm GreetingsWarm Greetings


Warm Greetings

By Sunny Florists

Simply WhiteSimply White


Simply White

By Bloom Couture Studio

Winter WonderlandWinter Wonderland

$155 - $255

Winter Wonderland

By Sunny Florists

Sweet PastelSweet Pastel


Sweet Pastel

By Bloom Couture Studio




By Sunny Florists

Summer CloudSummer Cloud


Summer Cloud

By Bloom Couture Studio

Red Rose BouquetRed Rose Bouquet

$58 - $155

Red Rose Bouquet

By Sunny Florists

Sunny ValleySunny Valley


Sunny Valley

By Bloom Couture Studio

Deep Purple HolidayDeep Purple Holiday


Deep Purple Holiday

By Sunny Florists




By Bloom Couture Studio

Heart EyeHeart Eye


Heart Eye

By Sunny Florists

Simple PastelSimple Pastel


Simple Pastel

By Bloom Couture Studio

Burgundy SpringBurgundy Spring


Burgundy Spring

By Sunny Florists

KOKEDAMA - AnthuriumKOKEDAMA - Anthurium


KOKEDAMA - Anthurium

By Bloom Couture Studio

3 Dozen Mixed Tulip3 Dozen Mixed Tulip


3 Dozen Mixed Tulip

By Sunny Florists


Hear what our happy customers have to say

East Boston Flower Delivery

Floom offers some of the most unique and beautiful bouquets for flower delivery in East Boston, Massachusetts. We carefully choose all of our East Boston florists to ensure that you receive only the finest seasonal stems.

Surprise someone special with same day flower delivery on a wide range of flower arrangements from East Boston florists. Floom guarantee that your order for East Boston flower delivery will arrive on-time and exactly the same as the on-screen bouquet, or your money back.

To browse our sumptuous stems from florists in East Boston, just enter your delivery postcode at the top of the page.

Same day flower delivery is available before 1pm and next day flower delivery is available before 11:59pm in East Boston.

Why send flowers with Floom?

Always unique, never generic

Always unique, never generic

We only work with the most talented and unique artisans, and we’re passionate about supporting our skilled family of florists.

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Each of our orders is professionally arranged, wrapped and safely delivered with a hand-written card… on the exact day that you need it.

Flower of East Boston

Black Sage (Salvia mellifera) is a small evergreen shrub native to the US. The plant’s name comes from its dark appearance, which is especially true during periods of drought.

With pale blue flowers composed of a two-lobed upper lip, Black Sage is crowned by a fruit made up of brown nutlets.

Across the area, Floom’s East Boston florists work with local flowers such as Black Sage when crafting their stunning stem arrangements for flower delivery in East Boston.