
The lush landscapes of South-Eastern Africa are home to some of the world’s most magnificent wildlife. It’s no secret that if you’re hoping to glimpse a lion padding softly after its prey, or a giraffe grazing elegantly/awkwardly upon a skyhigh branch, then Kenya and South Africa are prime destinations.

At Floom though, we appreciate beauty on a slightly smaller scale as well. Delve into the Cape Floristic Region on the southern most tip of South Africa and you’re entering an extraordinary realm of biodiversity - one that is also the birthplace of our flower of the week: the freesia.

Named after the German botanist and doctor, Friedrich Freese, the one thing we love more than its funnel-shaped blooms is its distinctive fragrance - despite its origins, it somehow manages to evoke the classic English garden in all its glory. It seems fitting then to leave you with this verse from that most whimsical of English authors, Hugh de Selincourt:

"The happiness of that afternoon was already fixed in her mind,
and always would the scent of freesia recall it to her mental sight,
for among the smells of the roses and violets and lilies and wall-flowers,
the smell of the freesia penetrated, as a melody stands out from its
accompaniment, and gave her the most pleasure."

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