Introducing Steeped Rose by Homecourt, Exclusively on Floom this Valentine's Day

Santa Clarita's finest florists and flowers. Delivered.

20,000+ reviews

Santa Clarita's finest independent florists

The third largest city in Los Angeles County, California, Santa Clarita was incorporated in December 1987, and was recently ranked by Money magazine as 18th in the Top 100 places to live. The city is located about 30 miles north of Downtown Los Angeles, and south of Lancaster, occupying the majority of the Santa Clarita Valley. The city is home to exceptional hiking trails in the surrounding mountains and canyons, including Agua Dulce Canyon, Golden Valley Ranch, Quigley Canyon and Wildwood Canyon. The Six Flags Magic Mountain amusement park is often associated with the city - but it is actually located just outside the perimeter of the City of Santa Clarita.

Send flowers Santa Clarita from Floom with our partnering Santa Clarita florists, and brighten someone’s day with flowers today. Make a loved one’s day with beautiful, fresh flowers from Floom. As your online floristry destination in Santa Clarita, we make choosing the perfect bouquet easy.

Our flower delivery service in Santa Clarita gives you a huge selection of flowers online, and when you choose our same day flower delivery service or next day flower delivery service we'll take care of everything. Our skilled florists in Santa Clarita will create stunning bouquets for any occasion.

Floom is proud to have partnering florists able to have flowers sent to Santa Clarita for same day flower delivery. Our florists’ extensive range of beautiful flower bouquets are sure to please any relative or loved one, no matter their flower or style preference!

There’s also the (free) option to add a handwritten message in a Floom gift card at checkout - to ensure your bouquet has that extra, personal touch! We know how magical sending flowers can be, so want both the sender and the recipient to be blown away by the blooms they receive.

Surrounding areas include: San Fernando Valley

Zip Codes include: 91351, 91385, 91321, 91322, 91354, 91355, 91380, 91382, 91383, 91386, 91387

Hear what our happy customers have to say

Santa Clarita Flower Delivery CA

It couldn’t be simple to send flowers to Santa Clarita with Floom. Why? We work with local Santa Clarita florists, all of whom curate and create stunning seasonal flower bouquets from the highest quality stems for flower delivery in Santa Clarita today.

How? Just enter your delivery zip code to view all flower bouquets available for flower delivery in Santa Clarita today. We have the perfect flowers for every occasion, and the perfect flower gift in Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, CA.

Same day flower delivery is available in Santa Clarita before 1pm PDT and next day flower delivery anytime before midnight.

Order your Santa Clarita flowers online, and the local Santa Clarita florist fulfilling your order will ensure they are hand delivered to your chosen recipient.

Why send flowers with Floom?

Always unique, never generic

Always unique, never generic

We only work with the most talented and unique artisans, and we’re passionate about supporting our skilled family of florists.

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Each of our orders is professionally arranged, wrapped and safely delivered with a hand-written card… on the exact day that you need it.