
The first thing I did upon learning that the Veronica was going to be FOTW was google ‘famous Veronicas’ - surely there was some well known figure out there who I could wittily compare to this dainty little plant? Literally never heard of a single one of the so-called famous Veronicas that comprised the first search result. Thanks for nothing,

Anyway, the Veronica from which the plant derives its name is most likely Saint Veronica, a pious little lady from Jerusalem who leant her veil to Jesus so that he could wipe his brow whilst carrying his cross. You guessed it, when JC returned the veil an image of his face had miraculously appeared ingrained in its fabric. The relic alas is lost in time so difficult to verify beyond a leap of divine faith.

How this quite relates to the characteristics of the pretty little gypsyweed (as Veronicas are also known) is not quite clear to this writer, however what I can tell you is that they’re supposed to taste delicious - similar to watercress. This claim is also unverified, though presumably easier to get to the bottom of than the mystery of Veronica’s veil, if anyone out there is feeling like taking a minor culinary risk.

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