
Same Day Flower Delivery Leicester. Leicester Florists.

20,000+ reviews

Same Day Flower Delivery Leicester

Floom flower delivery Leicester connects you with excellent Leicester florists, providing you with stunning flower delivery in Leicester today including neighboring towns such as Nottingham and Derby.

Same-day flower delivery in Leicester is available until 12 pm, and next-day delivery is available right up until 11:59 pm in Leicester. Order your Leicester flowers online with Floom, and the local independent florist fulfilling your order will ensure they are hand-delivered to your chosen recipient.

Best Selling flowers

You Go GirlYou Go Girl

£65 - £80

You Go Girl

By Love and Blooms




By PM Flowers

Bella BouquetBella Bouquet

£64 - £99

Bella Bouquet

By Botanique Workshop

The ultimate romanticThe ultimate romantic


The ultimate romantic

By Cora Louise

Natural Red RosesNatural Red Roses


Natural Red Roses

By Gardenia of London




By F For Flower

Royal PetalsRoyal Petals

£36 - £55

Royal Petals

By Floom Blooms




By Zita Elze

Rock with youRock with you

£55 - £220

Rock with you

By Love and Blooms

A Touch of FlowersA Touch of Flowers


A Touch of Flowers

By PM Flowers


Delivery Today

Afternoon Tea for 2Afternoon Tea for 2


Afternoon Tea for 2

By Positive Bakes

Mum's Afternoon TeaMum's Afternoon Tea


Mum's Afternoon Tea

By Positive Bakes

Afternoon Tea GiftAfternoon Tea Gift


Afternoon Tea Gift

By Positive Bakes

Citrus Tart Gift BoxCitrus Tart Gift Box


Citrus Tart Gift Box

By Positive Bakes

Signature Brownie BoxSignature Brownie Box


Signature Brownie Box

By Positive Bakes

Lovers BrowniesLovers Brownies


Lovers Brownies

By Positive Bakes

Lovers Afternoon TeaLovers Afternoon Tea


Lovers Afternoon Tea

By Positive Bakes

Brownie Gift BoxBrownie Gift Box


Brownie Gift Box

By Positive Bakes

Birthday Brownie BoxBirthday Brownie Box


Birthday Brownie Box

By Positive Bakes

Cake Gift BoxCake Gift Box


Cake Gift Box

By Positive Bakes

Valentines Treat BoxValentines Treat Box


Valentines Treat Box

By Positive Bakes

Stocking Filler GiftStocking Filler Gift


Stocking Filler Gift

By Positive Bakes

Luxury Tart BoxLuxury Tart Box


Luxury Tart Box

By Positive Bakes

Signature BrowniesSignature Brownies


Signature Brownies

By Positive Bakes

Pocklington 3120Pocklington 3120


Pocklington 3120

By Cartwright & Butler

Jayne Jayne

£45 - £75


By Cora Louise

Red Rose Luxury BunchRed Rose Luxury Bunch


Red Rose Luxury Bunch

By Gardenia of London

Valentines Treat BoxValentines Treat Box


Valentines Treat Box

By Positive Bakes

Vegan Brownie FingersVegan Brownie Fingers


Vegan Brownie Fingers

By Good Cake Day

Seasonal Fruit BoxSeasonal Fruit Box


Seasonal Fruit Box

By Express Gift Service

Hear what our happy customers have to say

Why send flowers with Floom?

Always unique, never generic

Always unique, never generic

We only work with the most talented and unique artisans, and we’re passionate about supporting our skilled family of florists.

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Each of our orders is professionally arranged, wrapped and safely delivered with a hand-written card… on the exact day that you need it.