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Wild Stems LA

Wild Man Gift Set

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Next delivery day: Tomorrow, 27th

All of our artisans are local, so to ensure this product is available to your delivery address, please enter a full U.S. delivery zipcode below. eg. 10003


A bounty of natural grooming products for the Urban, Country, or Wild man. Includes: Man Mist (4oz), Aftershave (2oz), Bod Butter (4oz), and half bar of cold processed soap

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Created by

Wild Stems LA

Wild Man Gift Set

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Next delivery day: Tomorrow, 27th

All of our artisans are local, so to ensure this product is available to your delivery address, please enter a full U.S. delivery zipcode below. eg. 10003


A bounty of natural grooming products for the Urban, Country, or Wild man.

Includes: Man Mist (4oz), Aftershave (2oz), Bod Butter (4oz), and half bar of cold processed soap
Floom Rose Hero

Made by our independent artisan

Wild Stems LA

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