
Holloway Road's finest florists and flowers. Delivered.

20,000+ reviews

Holloway Road's Finest independent florists

Same day flower delivery is available before 12pm in Holloway Road, and Holloway Road next day flower delivery is available right up until 11:59pm.

Order your Holloway Road flowers online with Floom, and the local independent florist in Holloway Road fulfilling your order will ensure they are hand delivered to your desired recipient. We also provide the option for a handwritten message (our florists all have nice handwriting, we promise!) with the delivery of your bouquet in our delivery cards. Wish to remain anonymous? Simply leave it blank.

Surrounding areas include Islington and Finsbury Park.

Hear what our happy customers have to say

Holloway Road Flower Delivery

All of Floom's network of local independent florists are established in their own right, and are hand-picked to give you only the finest choice of exquisite flower bouquets and plant arrangements - the ideal way to show someone special that you care, without the hassle.

With Floom's exceptional flower delivery service in Holloway Road, you need not worry about your delivery not getting there on time or in perfect condition. You can also do your grocery shopping in Holloway Road, as well as other areas of Islington including Farringdon and Lower Holloway.

Simply enter your delivery postcode at the top of this page to send beautiful flowers to someone in Holloway Road, London.