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Mobile Peony Vase

E9 Flower Delivery

Looking to send flowers in E9? Just enter your E9 flower delivery postcode in the box above to send flowers from a local florist to a friend, relative or colleague in E9 today.

Floom's network of local independent florists across London makes E9 flower delivery simple and painless. The florist making up your bouquet will use seasonal stems so that the flower bouquet is both fresh and unique.

Our carefully chosen E9 florists are hand-selected to give you a choice of fantastic flower bouquets and plants, with same day flower delivery or next day delivery options available for making the recipient's day. We're now selling gift hampers and groceries in London as well as the UK too.

Why send flowers with Floom?

200Px Florist

Always unique, never generic

We only work with the most talented and unique artisans, and we’re passionate about supporting our skilled family of florists.
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Hand-delivered with care and attention

Each of our orders is professionally arranged, wrapped and safely delivered with a hand-written card… on the exact day that you need it.

Some happy customers...

Floom on
4.40 from 20085 reviews

E9's Finest Independent Florists

Home to Hackney, Hackney Wick, Homerton and Victoria Park, E9 is one of East London's most popular areas. The expansive Victoria Park provides much of the green space in the postcode, and attracts runners, strollers and dog walkers alike come rain or shine. There's also a Burberry outlet store for those with deep pockets, and the National Trust's Sutton House for the culturally inclined.

Enjoy Floom's brilliant E9 flower delivery through our network of local independent florists in the E9 area. Our partnering florists create and curate beautiful flower bouquets online, and when you select our easy same day delivery or next day delivery option we'll take care of everything. Say goodbye to the stress of ordering flowers online with Floom.

Join the Floom community today by sending someone flowers in E9 - and put the joy back into flower delivery.

Want free delivery? Simply sign up to the Floom newsletter and you'll receive an email containing a code for free delivery!