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Zita Elze

Brazilian by birth, Zita has spent her adult years in Italy, France, Germany and England. She is a broadly educated designer with an individual and distinctive approach. Combining an unerring sense for the beautiful with an unusual degree of creativity and a fine sensitivity to her clients’ (often hidden) aspirations, she delivers imaginative concepts with scrupulous attention to detail and quality. Her background, skills and intuitive approach yield creations which clearly stand out from the “artificially artistic”.

Floom Zita Elze Studio
I would love to say everything comes directly from the soul.
Floom Zita Elze Studio2
I really do not think of a recipe on how to put a design together, rather I let it happen naturally.

Current products

Zita Elze Flowers Ltd|4964766|287 Sandycombe Road, Kew, London, united kingdom, TW9 3LU